Friday, March 4, 2011

The Day After (an old Facebook note)

Here is another, written the day after President Obama was elected. I did do some editing that really should have been done the first time around. :P

The Day After...

by Gretchen Hall on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 10:55pm
When I called Mike at work to tell him that McCain had conceded, his response was "Well, don't drink too much tonight". He said nothing about eating too much Halloween candy; we have a big bowl of it, I may go swimming in there.

I am not apologetic for supporting John McCain; though I admit it was more to vote against Barrack HUSSEIN Obama than for fully agreeing with McCain on everything. I am sorry if any of my friends and acquaintances are disappointed in me socially; but only on the grounds that it means we have less in common than I would like. One of my major downfalls has always been that I worry too much about other people liking me, particularly when I was still in school. Logically I knew that I could never have *everyone* liking me; but emotionally I always wanted to know *why* doesn't that person like me? What did I do to them? The answer was usually, if not most or all of the time, nothing. Sometimes people just don't like you, and you know what? It is ok. It has taken me a long time to be able to say that, and deep down it may still nettle me a bit, but it is okay. One step beyond that, is not softening my viewpoints around those who I know have different opinions out of fear that they will think less of me. You know, the funny thing about that is: when I stand firm, *I* think more of me, so even if their opinion of me is diminished, it all balances out.

One of the beauties of recognizing our God-given FREE WILL is remembering that even if we feel someone has a magnet stuck up under their own moral and ethical compass, *we* are not responsible for that person's eternity and that God will be the final judge. Don't get me wrong; I am not saying we can sit idly by and do nothing. I think we are still obligated to set a good example in all aspects of our lives. That includes educating ourselves on important issues, making moral decisions rather than emotional (though for me they are often one and the same), and not being afraid to speak up when we hear someone saying something that we feel is fallible; even if it means they may think less of us afterward.

I am not the type to be overly vocal about politics; I believe in the sanctity of human life but I will never chain myself to an abortion clinic. I do not seek out debates, but I rise to the challenge when presented with one. Then there is the whole debate about the gay community. I may not like a lot of what some will do to gain attention (anyone ever been in San Francisco during Gay Pride day? It can get pretty raunchy.) but I recognize them as people and deserving of love. To be honest, some of the gay people I have known have been some of the NICEST people I have ever know. For the most part I avoid talking about politics because my stomach knots up and quite frankly, I could do without the stress. There are those whose lives are destined to be in the spotlight, destined to lead, destined to make history; I don't want to be one of them. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, I think I do well to provide love and a stable atmosphere for my family. My children are young, and it is my job the shelter them from the evils of the world; at the same time preparing them for what they will face when they are no longer so young. My faith, my family, and my job (being a mom, a wife, and homeschooling my kids) are my top priorities. As long as I live my life according to that list I can sleep with a clear conscience, and worrying about politics only keeps me awake.

These have been my rambling thoughts as I sit here feeling tired, but at peace with my efforts. May God shed His grace upon our country, and guide our newly elected leaders, so that their souls will also feel at peace.

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